After you freshen up the paint and clean the carpet, you probably wonder what you can do to really make your home stand out for buyers and raise the value.

Take a look at a few home renovations that will help your home sell and give you a high return on your investment.

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New Front Door

Think of your front door like a new hair cut. After a while, your hair gets shaggy, looks unkempt, and really needs a trim. Front doors aren’t much different. To get the most money back, choose the right front door for your home and your neighborhood. The solid steel door that looks like it should have been installed in a government building isn’t going to give you as big a return on your investment as something stylish and beautiful. Pick the right door for your home, and you could see a return of 75 to 95 percent of what you pay for it.

New Garage Door

If your front door is the haircut of your house, your garage door is the teeth whitening procedure. Sure, you look fine without it but you look even better once your smile is brighter. A new garage door is another expense that immediately increases your curb appeal and nearly pays for itself when you sell. You could see an 83 to 87 percent return.

Wood Deck

When you create a space in your background to enjoy that part of your home and it looks good, you add plenty of value to your home. Wood decks can return up to 87 percent of what you pay for them. Now, replace an old sliding glass door or back windows with a set of French doors that open up onto your deck or patio, and you’ve added even more value and the appearance of extra space.

Kitchen Remodel

What list of home renovations would be complete without a mention of a kitchen remodel? It’s still one of the most popular ways to add value and help your home sell a little faster. The key is to update your kitchen in a way that fits your home’s architecture and style and the value of your home. A $200,000 kitchen in a $150,000 home will not yield the return that a $20,000 kitchen might. Choose the right appliances, cabinets, and look for your kitchen, and it could return anywhere from 67 to 83 percent.

You don’t have to spend a lot of money or change everything to renovate before you sell to see a return on your investment. Make strategic changes that enhance the livability and functionality of your home instead.

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