This time of year, things can get very busy. Instead of enjoying the ”joys” of the season, we can very easily be pulled into the holiday stress and overlook what the holidays are all about in the first place.

Research indicates gratitude can help increase resilience and cope with everyday life stresses, as well as with more major adversities.

Researchers have tested the theory in many ways, you can:

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Write a thank you note for a gift or behavior you’ve appreciated.

It doesn’t have to be a hand written letter. You can express gratitude via text, email or social media.

Visit someone and thank them in person (safely of course).

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Keep a daily journal of things you feel grateful for.

Note down three things at the end of the day as well as your role in bringing about the three things.

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Have some family or friends to spend the holidays with or opening presents with children. In other words, thinking about being grateful is also helpful, not just the act of being grateful.

So, try it today! It’s much easier sometimes to focus on the things that go wrong, the stresses of life or how overwhelmed we might be, but this is self-defeating.

We might have to look a little harder to find the positive sometimes, but it’s always there I promise!  It can be watching a few favorite Christmas movies, baking together or taking a drive to see the best holiday lights.

We are all tremendously grateful for all of our friends, family and clients especially this year.  Happy Holidays and we wish you all the best in 2021!