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Memorial Day is a U.S. federal holiday observed on the last Monday of May to commemorate the brave men and women who died while in the military service of their country, particularly those who died in battle or as a result of wounds sustained in battle.

This special day is to commemorate the veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice for their country. 

We spend time remembering those who lost their lives and could not come home, reflecting on their service and the reason why we have the luxury and freedom that we enjoy today. We might consider how we can support and safeguard their grieving families and loved ones who are left behind.

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The common red field poppy (Papaver rhoeas) was one of the first plants to reappear, in the war-torn battlefields of Europe. Its seeds scattered in the wind and sat dormant in the ground only germinating when the ground was disturbed—as it was by the very brutal fighting of World War 1. Although the landscapes were left devastated, red poppies would spring from the wreckage come spring, like tiny beacons of hope.

The American Legion brought National Poppy Day® to the United States by asking Congress to designate the Friday before Memorial Day, as National Poppy Day. Honor the fallen and support the living who have worn our nation's uniform, by wearing a red poppy on May 28.

By remembering the fallen, we also honor their loved ones: spouses, fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, sisters, brothers, friends. There really aren’t proper words, but we do live in gratitude each and every day for the precious gift that they have given to us.

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Today, a lot of towns and cities across the country do still hold solemn Memorial Day observances and parades to honor fallen military members. And while this year, the summer celebrations may be distant and less social, America may need the merriment we now associate with Memorial Day more than ever. 

We live in a country where we are free because of the brave. All of us at My Tampa Agent thank all of our veterans for their service and sacrifices. 

Be safe and God Bless America!